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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Dungeons and Dragons with Archaeologists

In high school and for the first few years afterwards I played Dungeons and Dragons regularly with my neighborhood friends. As adulting took control of my life, gaming with people moved to gaming by myself on a computer or console. Role-playing games (RPG's) have always been my favorite genre of games. I have played many over the years from Legend of Zelda (Most of them), Pool of Radiance (The original SSI version), Final Fantasy (All of them), Fallout, Elder Scrolls, World of Warcraft, and most recently Persona 5.

Recently though, the urge to play tabletop role playing again has entered my mind. I think it is the collaborative story telling that occurs which I am missing. This cannot be replicated in video games, even in massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG). So I picked up a copy of the Player's Handbook and Dungeon's Masters Guide for Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. I also started listening, then watching Critical Role, a show about live-streaming a game of D&D. (A few years ago I started listening to a podcast based on the Call of Cthulhu RPG, Cthulhu and Friends.)

With this material I could have looked for a group close to me and start playing. There was something else I wanted from this tabletop roll playing experience. I wanted to play with fellow archaeologist. I believe that archaeology provides a unique view of the world and I would like to see what type of collaborative storytelling a group of archaeologist could make. I have grander ideas which may include original archaeologically focused content, podcast/streaming of the play sessions, but for know, I just want to play D&D with some archaeologist. With current technology it is possible to play a tabletop game with each player in a different location.

So, if this is something that you would like to take part in please reach out to me and let me know. I am on Instagram and Twitter @archaeothoughts and you can email me at

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